
Know When to Seek Help for Heart Disease

Know When to Seek Help for Heart Disease

Heart disease is a serious health condition that has turned into a global epidemic in the last few decades, but the good news is that it is preventable! While there is no single cause of heart disease, but there are several risk factors that may increase the chances of developing the disease.

Dr. Mehmet Oz says that he often sees a lot of people having different heart conditions. Many times, he examines people with a history of heart attack and observes them before the attack. According to him, most of these people don’t even realize about the impending danger. Interestingly, some people, who have had a heart attack, don’t even know what had happened to them or when it had occurred.

An important thing about heart disease is that it’s a ‘silent killer.’ Without any prior symptom, it secretly creep into our life and may prove deleterious if proper care is not taken. Experts suggest that the only way to know your risk for heart disease is to see your doctor regularly and have periodic checkups.

Here, Dr. Mehmet Oz discusses about how to understand that you have a heart disease and figure out what’s wrong with your heart.


Know Your Numbers

If you have a heart disease, it is not necessary that your heart will send you some sort of warning signals. But, by considering these early symptoms, we can surely find that serious heart condition, which may occur in future. By knowing about such warning signs, we can manage the risk factors associated with heart disease or may completely eliminate them.

Talking About Risks

So, to begin with all this number finding, you must first visit your doctor. Everyone should discuss about the risk of heart diseases as well as other conditions like cancer and diabetes with a doctor. If you have not done this before, then this is the right time to discuss such issues with your physician. Your doctor can help you figure out what risk factors you must check regularly; thereby, assisting you in leading a better and healthy life. Listed below are several things that your doctor might ask you about during your visit:

Recognize the Key Symptoms

Most people think that they know the typical warning signs of a heart attack, which is chest pain. But, sadly, that is not true! In fact, it is a rare sign that people experience when they suffer a heart attack. You must look for these symptoms to know whether you are in trouble or not:

Thus, it is very important to check for these symptoms. Any individual symptom does not indicate that you are suffering a heart attack. However, you should be worried if you are experiencing a few of these symptoms together.

Never Hesitate

Don’t hesitate if you think you are having a heart attack. Call your doctor or try reaching an emergency room as soon as possible. Studies have repeatedly shown that as compared to men, women are more prone to ignore the symptoms of heaving a heart attack, ending up delaying the help for the same.

Always remember that nothing is more perilous that your heart at risk. Even if you survive a heart attack, it is likely to damage your overall health. Dr. Oz hopes that this valuable piece of information will surely help people to ward off the risk of heart disease as prevention is always better then cure.

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