Health News

Latest medical news and research taken place in the medical field all around the world. Keen eye for popular health-related topics and expert guidelines.

could intermittent fasting be the new anti aging diet

Could Intermittent Fasting Be The New Anti-Aging Diet?

Intermittent fasting is a new fad around these days. Kelly LeVeque, a nutritionist and celebrity health coach, has created a system known as Fab...
is iced tea as healthy as you think

Is Iced Tea As Healthy As You Think?

Having iced tea on a hot, sultry summer day is simply heavenly. And, most of you would agree to this. If reports are to...

Yoga – A Holistic Way to Manage Migraine

In the U.S. alone, there are 39 million people, who suffer from migraine and experience severe symptoms like blinding pain, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity...
can drinking coffee at specific times promote weight loss

Can Drinking Coffee At Specific Times Promote Weight Loss?

Can weight loss happen as a result of coffee consumption? We have been pondering over this question for quite some time. So, isn’t best...
8 things to avoid if you consume apple cider vinegar

8 Things To Avoid If You Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can do wonders for your body by boosting your heart health and also making you easily lose all those excess...

7 Changes In Your Breasts That You Must Never Ignore

While you may be little skeptical about changes in your breasts at times, you usually don’t heed to what they might indicate. Your breasts...

6 Unpredictable Symptoms of PTSD that One Should Not Avoid

Most people figure PTSD i.e. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as something in which, there are debilitating anxiety and depression that can be seen from outside....

What to Do If You Are Carb Intolerant?

Carbohydrate tolerance is a condition in which, it is difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong. The carbs that work for...
Are Our Sunscreens Really Water Resistant?

Are Our Sunscreens Really Water Resistant?

Water-resistant sunscreen products are much less effective when they are worn in the sea. the products that have been claimed to be water resistant...

Reading – A New Form of Mindfulness to Curb Sugar Craving

Are sugar cravings anyway related to reading? Let's find out here. You might be thinking that fiction has been dying slowly with all those...

The Link Between Liver and Cholesterol Explained

Most of the cholesterol present in the body is synthesized in the liver and despite the popular belief about cholesterol, some of its forms...

7 Different Types of Tea to Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is a hot topic in wellness and health domains, all for right reasons. While acute inflammation is beneficial for the body to recover...

How to Prevent Frequent Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infections are common in the summer. Vaginitis, which is vaginal tissue inflammation, is the prime reasonwhy women visit OB-GYN particularly in the...
scientists point out where the brain processes spiritual experiences

Scientists Point Out Where The Brain Processes Spiritual Experiences

We may not be religious enough, but a lot of us go through times in life that can be thought of or considered as...

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