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Surprising Hair Growth Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil has become more and more popular among beauty enthusiasts as they started using and praising its amazing hair growth benefits in recent years. It is also found to be a secret ingredient in age-old remedies of traditional medicine to ease dandruff, moisturize the scalp, and give a smooth and shiny finish to hair.

This beneficiary oil is extracted from the castor bean (Ricinus communis) which is rich in ricinoleic acid which helps in fighting inflammation.[Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair Growth

Due to its amazing hair care and growth benefits, castor oil has become a known name in the world of natural beauty market. People even claim that it can boost your hair growth by up to five times than your normal hair growth provided you use it regularly.

Despite these experiences and claims, there is currently no scientific proof to show that it actually has the ability to promote hair growth. Not much research has been done on castor oil’s role in treating hair problems. But there is a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2003 which has shown the effects of using castor oil on the hair shine, texture and hair quality.


How to Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth

If you’re really willing to use and check castor oil’s effectiveness then put only a few drops of this oil directly into your scalp as this oil is very strong. Gently massage the scalp using the oil.

Also, put a few additional drops of this oil on the ends of your hair and the midsection to improve its texture and prevent breakage.

Although there is no information on how long this oil should be allowed to remain on your head, just for your safety two hours should be enough to avoid complications. Keep your head covered with a cloth to avoid dripping or staining your dress before wash. One word of advice is not to overindulge. Hair care experts suggest not to use it more than once in a week.Castor oil is heavy and sometimes difficult to remove, so you should try mixing it with a neutral oil like jojoba or coconut oil.

Side Effects

There are always some concerns that come along with using a product or a remedy. Same is the case with castor oil.

Sometimes use of castor oil may lead to an irreversible problem of acute hair felting which is a rare disorder of scalp hair. In this condition, the hair becomes twisted, entangled as a hard stony mass resembling a bird’s nest. The high viscosity of castor oil and long hair can result in sudden felting of hair

Using castor oil in large amount can be extremely harmful to health and may lead to complications such as:

Precautions and Concerns

Castor oil is hard to remove and may leave stains, so it is always best to wear your old t-shirt while applying it to your hair.

Keep your towel, shampoo and other essentials by side to remove off the oil after two hours of application. Sometimes, you may need to shampoo twice to completely wipe the traces of castor oil.

It is not a hair loss remedy, so it is advised to talk with your doctor to prevent unexplained hair loss ssues.

Peter D. Griffin

A post graduate in health journalism, Peter is a full-time journalist with a leading health magazine. In the free time, he likes to read and write about medical research, health issues, drug discoveries and related topics.

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