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Astaxanthin Is Effective in Improving Glucose Metabolism and Lowering Blood Pressure in Diabetics, Research Finds

You might have little knowledge about Astaxanthin. This compound has been getting too much of hype and attention these days. You may wonder why? Well, let us tell you that it is a powerful antioxidant. Many people are unaware of the fact that it can help treat diabetes. It is due to the ability of astaxanthin to boost glucose metabolism and decrease blood pressure.

Astaxanthin  is a type of carotenoid, a pigment that is present naturally in some foods. The orange-red color of algae, lobster and salmon is due to the presence of astaxanthin. Its antioxidant properties are six thousand times more efficient than the antioxidant ability that vitamin C has. Researchers are trying to study the benefits of astaxanthin.

A study was conducted for 8 weeks in which it was assessed how supplements of astaxanthin can affect insulin sensitivity, lipid peroxidation, glycemic control in people in the age group of 30 to 60 having diabetes. The people who took part in the study were segregated in two groups: One was control group which took a placebo and the other was a treatment group which was given around 8 mg of astaxanthin each day during the study.

After the treatment ended, it was found that patients who were given astaxanthin had less visceral fat and greater amount of adiponectin which controls glucose levels. The triglycerides level and low-density cholesterol level was also lower. Additionally, systolic blood pressure was less than what was before the study.


Benefits of Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin has a lot of benefits. It is particularly beneficial for the eyes and skin. It improves skin elasticity and evens out the fine lines and wrinkles, thereby making skin smoother. It is considered as natural sunscreen as it prevents sunburn. Talking about the eyes, it helps relieve issues like eye fatigue, macular degeneration, eye strain, and diabetic retinopathy.

Astaxanthin also fights against mental and physical tiredness. According to researchers, it improves thinking abilities, mood, motivation, and concentration of people who are stressed, and decreases irritability and tiredness.

Sources of Astaxanthin

The maximum concentration of astaxanthin is present in salmon. Scientists say that this is the reason why fishes can swim upstream. It is also present in lobster, crawfish, red trout, shrimp, crabs, krill, algae, etc. As it may not be possible to consume these foods daily, many people use astaxanthin supplements which are generally derived from microalgae. Astaxanthin is present in krill, but krill supplements do not have sufficient astaxanthin, so it does not give you the required benefits. Also, you must find a source which has properly harvested astaxanthin, derived it with proper safety measures, and purified it as well.

Astaxanthin supplements are soluble in fat so it must be taken with some healthy fat so that the body can absorb it. You can take it with coconut oil, butter, and eggs.

Astaxanthin is highly useful for diabetics. However, the best way to control the condition is to eat healthy diet that does not have flour and refined sugars. Also, you must incorporate regular exercise.

Peter D. Griffin

A post graduate in health journalism, Peter is a full-time journalist with a leading health magazine. In the free time, he likes to read and write about medical research, health issues, drug discoveries and related topics.

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