Antioxidants Sources, Benefits, Dietary Supplements, Anti-Aging & FAQs


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Pros and Cons of Antioxidants:

Different benefits from different sources of antioxidants:


Carotenoids are plant pigments that convert into vitamin A (retinol, retinyl and retinoic acid) in a human body and protects skin and eye; restricts uneven skin tone, rough skin, fine lines, wrinkles etc. Beta-carotene lowers the risks of heart diseases. One must include it in a regular dietary chart in a controlled way for better health.



Microscopic blue-green algae that include a variety of antioxidants and micronutrients which is beneficial for brain cell protection and immunity system. It contains protein, calcium (26 times more than milk), iron, zinc, selenium, chromium, magnesium, copper, potassium, sodium, manganese and Vitamin B(1, 2, 3, 6, 9). only 20 calories of spirulina are equivalent to 4 grams of protein. It protects every body part with its different active nutrients.


Red colored nutrition pigment the prevents cancer and heart disease. It slows the growth rate of breast and prostate cancer. It does restrict the kidney tumors and uterine cancer. Lycopene protects oral and vaginal health from yeast infection It is also effective to secure eye health. Tomatoes are the best source of lycopene.


Another plant pigment that works as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is beneficial for the cardiovascular and nervous system. They reduce the risk of heart attack by lowering bad cholesterol in blood. Researches have proved that regular intake of flavonoids reduces the risk of cancer(s) in human.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E or tocopherol is the fat-soluble vitamin that effectively works for skin betterment. It protects skin from the UV light exposure. It balances blood cholesterol level and hormones, protects the body immunity system, repairs damaged skin cells and brighten dull skin, thickens hair, improves vision and muscles, prevents cancer and Alzheimer’s disease and supports the growth development system.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is the most important anti-aging element. It improves uneven skin and brightens dull skin. For best result, the concentration should be kept within 5-20%. it is a multitasking antioxidant that prevents scurvy, common cold, heart diseases, lowers hypertension, cures lead toxicity, inhibits cataracts, boosts immunity system, improved mood swings, repair wounds, fight against strokes, controls asthma, diabetes.

Vitamin A

It is a fat-soluble vitamin with excellent antioxidant properties. It protects eye health, supports the immunity system, skin cell growth, fights against inflammation, prevents cancer and heart diseases. A pregnant woman needs the vitamin A in abundance on a regular basis. It also inhibits respiratory infections.

Proteins and peptides


Proteins restrict the lipid oxidation by producing peptides that deactivate the highly active oxygen species.


It is a carotenoid that protects eye health. It restricts clouds in the lens caused by free-radicals. Lutein neutralizes free-radicals and cleanses cataracts. It supports protection against eye disorders, skin health, lowers the risks of diabetes, heart diseases even cancer(s). it also works as an anti-inflammatory molecule.


It reduces risk of nuclear cataract in human eyes. It also strongly protects human eyes from UV-activity. It is also an effective skin moisturizer. It supports immunity functions, brain activity and protects brain health. It also fights against fatigue.


It is the most important detoxifier of the human body. Glutathione adsorbs all the toxic materials generated in the body and carries them into the biles and discharge from the body as stool. It is also an element that protects body immunity system.


It is an important anti-aging dietary antioxidant that is beneficial to prevent pulmonary, cardiovascular, osteoporosis diseases.

Frankincense Essential oil

This essential oil is a master antioxidant that protects the human body from a dozen of severe diseases. It works for body immunity system, menstruation problem of women, oral health as an antiseptic, cold and flu as an antibiotic, digestive and skin solutions, osteoporosis, arthritis as a pain killer. It is also a preventive against cancer.


is the kitchen for plants and also an antioxidant. Type a and b inhibits oxidation and restricts DNA damage. It also protects lipid and protein and peptides from oxidation.

Lavender Essential oil

Besides aroma therapy, lavender essential oil is too an antioxidant. It reduce anxiety, emotional stress, skin roughness, headache. It improves diabetes, sleep, brain function and pain.


It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory intracellular molecule that restricts carcinogenic progression and tumour initiation. It also protects DNA from modification by free radicals.

Combination of micronutrients

Micronutrients such as selenium, zinc, copper, iron, chromium, magnesium, manganese, aluminium are essention in human body to support the immunity system affordd by antioxidants. They don’t work as antioxidants but nourishes the antioxidant activities those are extremely benificial for health.


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