Dr. Mehmet Oz

What to Do in Case of Accidental Poisoning?

Accidental poisoning is a parent’s worst nightmare. Imagine finding your child with an open bottle of Tylenol, or swallowing some…

6 years ago

Anesthesia/Surgery and Age-Related Brain Damage – Is there a Link

With respect to safety concerns related to anesthesia, the medical community has observed a lot of dissonance during the last…

6 years ago

Know the Signs of Heat Stroke

Yes, the sun is really irresistible. Now, while the summers are back, it is satisfying to see people with their…

6 years ago

Dr. Mehmet Oz Explains How to Prevent Age-Related Vision Loss

One of the most recognizable signs of aging is not necessary something you can see, it really is how well…

6 years ago

Expert Tips on How to Live a Long and Healthy Life

Dr. Mehmet Oz shares his excitement for having a chance to host a conference on longevity in which some amazing…

6 years ago

Know When to Seek Help for Heart Disease

Heart disease is a serious health condition that has turned into a global epidemic in the last few decades, but…

6 years ago

Make Your Weight Loss Resolution Work with Dr. Oz’s Day-Off Diet

Have you ever made a resolution to lose weight and tried everything possible to make your life healthier by getting…

6 years ago

Is Stroke in Women Different from Men – Dr. Oz

Dr. Mehmet Oz has written much about stroke in his blogs and also spoken a lot about it in his…

6 years ago

Evergreen Health Tips to Learn This Summer

Summer has finally arrived! It reminds us of heat, excessive sweating, dryness, skin problems, and much more. With the blazing…

6 years ago

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Bones by Dr. Mehmet Oz

It is quite common to forget about our bones and their health. A lot of information is available on how…

6 years ago

How to Stay Hydrated: Guide by Dr. Oz

Our body keeps losing water through various processes such as sweating, peeing, and breathing. An average person loses about 10…

7 years ago

Take Care of Mental Health to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Dr. Mehmet Oz has always been serious about indulging in yoga and meditation in life. It is important to realize…

7 years ago

Understanding Obesity With Dr. Oz

Obesity is a serious problem that increases the risk of developing various health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases like…

7 years ago

Dr. Oz Explains Whether Should You Really Choose Low-Fat Dairy Products

If you are conscious about your health, chances are that you are opting for low-fat dairy products while you are…

7 years ago