
Eat Organic to Cut Cancer Risk, Says Study

A new study has indicated that you can cut the risk of cancer if you eat organic foods. The study…

6 years ago

DNA Nanorobots Programmed to Combat Cancer by Searching and Destroying Tumors

Scientists at Arizona State University (ASU), along with scientists from the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST), China have…

7 years ago

World Cancer Day 2018 – We Can. I Can.

“Cancer is a word, not a sentence”. On this World Cancer Day, we would like to let you know that,…

7 years ago

Prevention of pancreatic cancer is linked to oral hygiene

The researchers at the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki University Hospital, Finland revealed that the…

7 years ago

27 new genes discovered that could halt cancer

From a study of over 2000 tumors that are responsible for nearly 12 types of human cancer, 27 genes have…

7 years ago

New survey shows, only 30% Americans are aware that drinking causes cancer

In a recent survey, when people were asked to identify the causes of cancer, they identified tobacco use as a…

7 years ago

PPIs increase risk of stomach cancer

Proton pump inhibitors (PPPIs) or heartburn and acid reflux drugs are widely used medicines across the world. However, a new…

7 years ago

Excess weight and Diabetes responsible for 6 percent of cancers globally

It’s good to watch your diet, because a recent report suggested that nearly 6 percent of cancers are caused due…

7 years ago

Smokers and tobacco users identify the link between their smoking and bladder cancer

According to a new study, published in the journal Cancer, around 50% bladder cancer cases in the U.S. is due…

7 years ago